Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Taking care of my GUT so I can TRUST it more :)

I wanted to share some things I learned recently regarding nutritional health.

I've been working with a holistic healer and she recommended some things for my digestive system which has been long abandoned and stagnant and as some of you may know, I've had problems with it since birth. Below are the things I've been taking daily:

1) Liquid Aloe
2) Carlson's Cod Liver Oil
3) Calcium Magnesium Powder
4) Probiotics
5) Vitamineral Green Powder

I've found it's been clearing up the stagnant energy in my solar plexus chakra and thus fortifying the connection from my root through my heart through my crown. This provides increasing clarity for me and I've found I'm much more able to make healthier decisions not only with what I ingest but also the activities I engage in. I feel extremely connected to my intuition and am unlocking many long ago abandoned parts of me.

It feels freeing and I'm extremely joyful albeit sometimes uncomfortable.

Excited to continue reporting progress. Open to any questions!

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Info You Can't Afford to Live Without - The Crash Course by Chris Martenson

December 5, 2013 - by Amelia Fortes

Rich Grad had the amazing opportunity to be in an intimate board room yesterday with some of the most successful entrepreneurs and investors of our time to discuss The Crash Course by Chris Martenson. Participants included Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, the Rich Dad Advisors (Andy Tanner, Ken McElroy, Josh Lannon, Lisa Lannon, and Tom Wheelwright), the leaders of the Rich Dad Company and Rich Dad Education, and the Fast Track to Cashflow team from Canada (Darren Weeks and his team). Chris Martenson, the author of the Crash Course, also dialed in for an hour to answer some of our questions.

Robert called this emergency book study because our world as we know it is about to change drastically. As a matter of fact, it is already happening and an even bigger shift is upon us. It is not a question of "if" it is a question of "when" and we know that "when" is very soon. One could argue the details about it all day long but I agree with Martenson and the others in the room, it is better to be aware and prepared than in denial and have no plan of action.

I could try and regurgitate all that I've learned from reading the book and being in that room but it would be best if you learned for yourself straight from the source. I recommend starting with the videos found on the Crash Course website at www.peakprosperity.com/crashcourse

There are 20 chapters divided among 22 videos that are between 3 and 20 minutes in length. It would take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch everything once. You can study at your own pace.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How to be Unstoppable - Alter Your Relationship With Fear

 photo balancebeam-4.jpg
My gymnastics coach Elias said something to me that I will never forget and have carried with me since I was 13 years old: "There will always be fear but you can USE that fear. Use the fear to push you to do it and get it done!" This was when I was practicing tricks on the balance beam. Anyone that has done cartwheels and back handsprings on a balance beam knows it can be a really scary place to be. That day, I used Elias' words to push me through and stick every landing. He was pleased that his words were effective in that space but if only he knew just how they have impacted my entire life... The balance beam became my metaphor for trying anything new.

Any time I have been afraid, his words rang through my mind. If you try to ignore the fear or pretend it's not there, it works against you. When you acknowledge it and not only act in the face of it but also USE it to move forward, that is where you are launched to new heights you never thought possible.

I actually remember that this is the quote that was sticking with me that had me enrolled in Momentum Education, the training program that supported me in changing the course of my life in all aspects. I remember when I had just taken the Basic workshop, I was still on the fence about taking the Advanced course. When someone said the Advanced course "alters your relationship with fear", it was a done deal. I was in it to win it.

Whether you take a course or try to move through obstacles in life yourself, just know fear will always be there.  When you learn how to be in relationship with it and use it, that is what makes you unstoppable.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Oprah.com - 10 Days to Self Acceptance - Day 0

So there's this 10 days to self acceptance free online program on Oprah.com: http://www.oprah.com/spirit/How-Self-Acceptance-Can-Crack-Open-Your-Life

I'm doing it! First you take a self acceptance test in the beginning and then again at the end.
Below are my pre-10-day-plan Results. Let's see what they are after 10 days!!!
Your Result:
60 - 79 %
Self-acceptance is like a miracle ingredient that helps you to grow more fully into your true self. Increasing your commitment to practicing self-acceptance now will help you take accountability for your life, play to your strengths and open you to a new level of inspiration and happiness. On the deepest level, self-acceptance activates the law of attraction. The more you accept yourself, the more abundant you feel and the richer your life becomes. It's time to really go for it.

Are you ready to accept who you really are and say yes to your life?

Day 1 reflection coming soon....

With love and freedom,
Amelia Ily Fortes

Friday, November 15, 2013

Student Loan Debt crisis, US Govt Shutdown, & Ivy League school deficits, oh my!

From the US Govt shut down, to Detroit going bust, to Harvard and Yale $30+ mm under water, to hundreds of grads everywhere unable to find jobs with salaries that even come close to matching their annual tuition, it's clear that we have not only a financial/economic crisis, we have an EDUCATION crisis that goes all the way to the top! Do you think we need more "saving" and "how to get out of debt" tips?? No! We need an entire MINDSET shift! This is why Rich Grad exists. We are the only financial educators for young adults that aren't just hacking at the leaves, we are DIGGING at the root. We facilitate conversations with students, lead them through transformational and experiential exercises, and provide the context that every Rich person has. Watch this video, bring us to your campus, and elevate the financial well being of the people you care about. Isn't our future worth it? 

The War of Heart part 2 - Self worth contingencies - Fri. Nov. 15, 2014

To all my ladies and sisters in love. We are in this together.
share your stories. your love. your support. your heart.

I said a while back that part of a belief I used to have was that my self worth was contingent on the amount and type of attention that I received from men. For example,
  1. If a man said something fresh and sexual to me, all I was worth was my body and how I look.
  2. If a man texted/called me every day, I was finally worth love and attention.
  3. If I tried to break up with a man and he "fought" back, even a little bit, that finally meant I was worth sticking around for. Maybe, just maybe, he'd be in it for the long haul.
  4. If a man tried to have sex with me even though he barely knew me, that meant I wasn't worth getting to know, I was only worth a quick lay.
  5. If a man I had been seeing and dating for a few weeks wasn't ready to be physically intimate in any way with me, that meant I wasn't worth the risk of falling in love "for real". The ultimate rejection.
The list goes on and on but the moral of the story is that... only I can decide how much I am worth.

Self worth is intrinsic NOT contingent on any outside result, element, or circumstance.

FIRST... What are some of YOUR self worth contingencies? Write them down, share them!
THEN... Decide today, RIGHT NOW, how precious, treasured, worthy, and lovable you are. FINALLY... lean back, chill out, and WATCH the universe effortlessly reveal to you JUST how amazing you are.

Part 3 coming soon...

With love and freedom,
Amelia Ily Fortes

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Desire & Destiny - 21 Day Meditation Challenge - Day 3 Mindful Moment

Today, make the decision to practice defenselessness. Each time you find yourself involved in a discussion in which you feel compelled to take one side over another or express your opinion in order to sway that of another person, instead, gently let go of the need to defend your point of view. Make a commitment to follow the path of no resistance in other ways throughout your day. Witness how effortlessly your day unfolds as you practice letting go and accept things just as they are.

At Robert Kiyosaki's 3 day Rich Dad event this summer, JW said something that I always remember and repeat often. I'll have to paraphrase as I don't remember his exact words but he said "We lose our power every time we defend ourselves. When we stop needing to defend ourselves, that is how we sustain our power." I'm reminded of this lesson today with the mindful moment offered by Deepak & Oprah for Day 3 of this meditation challenge.

This is what I shall repeat to myself today....
Follow the path of least resistance. Stop trying to control and manipulate the situation. It may feel uncomfortable and frustrating at first because you're used to being a "go getter" and making things happen exactly how you want it to... but Life is so much easier and more fun following the path of least resistance. Just swim through life effortlessly and joyfully.

I love how Deepak said it in the meditation today... a rose does not "struggle to bloom" it just does. It's time to let myself bloom. :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Desire & Destiny - 21 Day Meditation - Day 1 Mindful Moment

Today is a new beginning, the first step on a very special journey. Along the way there will be new sights to see and concepts to learn. As you travel through this day, take time to acknowledge yourself and celebrate your choice to live mindfully and wholeheartedly! With your mind and heart open, you are creating the space to manifest the life of your dreams.

I've noticed that it is very natural for me to condemn myself and say all the reasons why I suck because I haven't done this or that especially as it relates to my mindfulness practice. "God, I really messed up, I haven't meditated in forever! I'm really slacking..." vs "Wow, I really care about myself and my well being that I am committed to living mindfully and openly".

Makes a big difference. I love it! :)

Learning to talk to and interact with myself lovingly and nicely is a daily, hourly, secondly practice! Getting much better at it!

When it comes to measuring how well you are doing, don't focus on where you're not.... focus on how far you've come! Focus on PROGRESS not perfection. :-)

Have a blessed day y'all!